Friday, August 8, 2008


nih continuation from my last post...heheeh isk isk bz betul skrg nih! after 2 weeks,baru dpt nak update abt my bowling tournament...


well...early morning,abt 7am, dok bz wat wake up call kt bebudak nih..esp sham n fiella! coz kul 9 dah gathered @ opis,nak angkut segala hadiah n hampers! nearly 9am, mawar bgtau fiella no pun,dok call n sms,dia senyap plak..but got the feeling,dia sure dah sampai cuma saje nak kenakan kitorang heheheh me smpai2 je @ parking, tgk2 keta dia dah the same time, got his sms ckp xnak dtg hahhahahah nak tipu pun tgk2lah sekeliling fiella oii!:P:P me terus pi opis,but pintu kunci,so call lah mamat nih..dia nak tipu lagi tu ckp dia kt umah...but kantoi gakle coz lampu opis bukak hahahah sabo jelah! then by 9.30am, semua org dah ada..6 of us je lah heheh then pas angkut sumer, b4 gerak, sempatlah bergambar2 hahahah wajib tuh!n sempat gak pi bfast kat kedai mamak...then baru shoot ke piramid

our registration started abt 11pm...time sampai,kak ina,ravin,raj dah ada..awal plak dorang hahhah yg committee plak lambat heheeheh then susun2 hampers n presents,bg dorang coupon lunch...abt 12pm, our games started! ermm performance was unpredictable...hahahahh 1st game,biasalah,baru nak warm up but overall performance, rasanya 2/3 kali je longkang..balingan yg lain...mak ai..leh tahan teror hahaahahhaa dptlah strike, x caya je hehe maybe feng shui piramid nih bagus kot! next time leh main sini jelah hahahha yg surprised tu,3rd game, kalahkan sham n ecah hahahhha mawar dok bising ckp "oooo selama nih training,saje x tunjuk skills ekk"...ehehhe actually xteror pn but as i said,maybe piramid nih feng shui bagus! hahhahhahah

so, after games ended,as usual, gbr2 time...pastu,prize giving....kira ended abt 3pm lah...took pic of my whole centre....then pastu, pi ramai2 mkn @ arena piramid tu....sekali sekala kumpul ramai2 camnih, mmg happening! time mkn pn,dok bergbr je lah gak :D pastu, me n sham dok ckp pasal nak tgk movie "Sex & the City"....apalagi,yg lain gree light,jalan je lah heheh terus pi beli tiket...but only 6 of us lah...biasaklah!geng2 bas sekolah hehe pas movie, sempat mkn @ kedai mamak,dpn opis kitorang..then baru masing2 shoot balik!

so, happy hour always ended fast....apa2pun, Alhamdulillah, everything run smoothly that day...we all berjaya organize the event successfully..our bos was so happy! so,as a return, dia belanja we all pi dusun mkn buah2...which will be tomorrow (10/8) heheh but baru habis bowling, kena bz utk dusun nih coz we are requested to organize games for all of them..isk isk but xpelah,enjoy kan!


Actually on 26/7 tu, my beloved niece's besday, si kenit icha! Happy 4th Birthday gurl! sempat wished her in the morning...cuma x sempat nak jumpa coz bz with my bowling:-) on this date, saje ambik cuti & celebrate her besday for 3rd time @ her school...coz saturday tu xsempat nak celebrate dgn me, my SIL n bro went to her school abt 10am...punyerlah happy dia..apa xnye, potong 3rd besday kek heheh so, nothing much to say..only pics told everything:-)


HAPPY 40th ANNIVERSARY to my parents! n kebetulan, my parents @ my bro's hse in usj..but only managed to meet them on sunday tu..3/8 coz sabtu tu me quite bz...but apa2pun, present for them dah bagi awal..remember?PD trip;-) me only bought a card for them....but cantik kad tu coz specially for 40th anniversary:-)

actually on the same day, me n my ex-HWU frens had a farewell dinner for Zahir, yg nak pi keje @ Doha,Qatar...isk isk bestnya! yg dtg dinner tu, me,unie,zahir,nik,nazrul & imah....dinner @ Seoul Bulgogi, Plaza Pantai..our usual place for farewell hehhe anyway, thanks a lot to Nazrul coz belanja kitorang...mmg kitorang plan nak belanja zahir, but ends up nazrul belanja sumer! heehheh moga rezeki ko sentiasa murah nazrul heheheh sedih gak si zahir nak pi sana coz we quite rapat gakle..eventhough xselalu jumpa, but me mmg rapat dgn dia compared budak2 lain...except unie lah kan hehe sorang2 tinggalkan kitorang..mula2 nain,pastu kak baya,murad,nih zahir plak..isk isk terasa sungguh! habis dinner, dkt2 11pm, unie ckp nak hantar zahir terus ke umah..hehe mula2 dia reluctant coz jauh..nun di sepang sana..but unie nak jalan2..ermm jalan2 ke apa unie?;-) hahahah so, bila bertiga dlm keta, teringat time zaman2 @ edinburgh dulu...time me n unie sewa keta, n kitorang pi jalan ber-3 je..pi glasgow...bonnypack...hang out together2 lah...time tu me drive, cuma kali nih, unie yg drive:-) haa @ sarawak lagi..kitorang ber-3 gak..time tu zahir drive heheheh bila tingat2 balik, sedih pn ada gak le....isk isk! so, for zahir, we wish u good luck & don't 4get us....tunggu tau, mana tau ada rezeki, leh kitorang pi sana!

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